“The Jake’s Night Out event for me and my family has absolutely been a wonderful experience. We enjoy it every year. I highly recommend, that if you have young kids and you want to get them interested in the outdoors, whether it be turkey hunting, fishing, deer hunting, hiking,whatever, bring them to Jake’s Night Out. I promise you that you will not be disappointed with the event. It’s absolutely a great time… And, it’s free!”
~ Rob Fisher, parent of a grand prize winner
“The reason that I like to go to the Jake’s Night Out event is where you get to spend time with family, the food is good and just have fun… And they’ve got good prizes!“
~ Ben Fisher, 2014 Grand Prize Winner
This is Spencer Baxter ‘s, age 5 years old, first turkey ever. Daniel Baker and Jesse Williams donated a free mounted turkey and Spencer’s name was drawn. I served with Daniel in the MARINES. We were both awarded Purple Hearts in Fallujah. Daniel and I were very close in Iraq. When we came home, we were able to hunt and fish several times together. Then, as soon as I started to have kids, we didn’t get to spend that much time together. I try and donate {to Ground Level Outdoors’ Jake’s Day Out} every year that I can.
— Semper Fidelis - Chris Baxter USMC 0331
“… winning this prize was one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to him. The guided hunt that he went on was even more thrilling!”
— Evan Lowry - 2016 Grand Prize winner