Open Letter to Potential Supporters
In 2011, a group of sportsmen consisting of hunters and anglers got together to coordinate something in an attempt to introduce kids to hunting and fishing. With cell phones and the Internet rapidly replacing time spent afield or fishing with parents, we believed there was a need for such an event. Our first event, though modest, included 150 local kids. Over the years, attendance has steadily increased. Last year, we welcomed over 3,000 kids and adults to our event. Many adults now come by to see what all the talk is about. We have a mix of interactive activities and educational opportunities for kids and their parents to explore. We give away thousands of dollars-worth of hunting and fishing equipment every year, as well as feeding bar-b-que plates and/or hot dog plates and desert to all who wish to eat. In the past, we have given away guided turkey and deer hunts, guided fishing trips and guided parent/child duck hunts in Arkansas. All free. We don't charge for any of it. This is possible because of the work of our board of directors and our committee members pouring their heart into serving these kids and ultimately the community. We believe the lessons learned outdoors, whether hunting, fishing, camping or hiking, are lessons learned for life. Lessons such as: being a responsible steward to our environment, being a conservationist, appreciating the outdoors as God intended us to do. It teaches, ultimately, that there are things more important than technology. It teaches patience, perseverance, self-reliance, interpersonal skills and relationship building. It teaches about food chains and how fish and animals change their habits and patterns based on habitat loss or destruction – whether it’s because of a major weather change, flood, the harvesting of timber or the construction of homes. We don't kid ourselves that every child that comes to one of our events will become a life-long hunter or fisherman or even get involved in the shooting sports. What we hope to do is teach them that it is okay for people to enjoy these things and that they are there for their enjoyment as well. We also hope to teach them to be accepting to those who pursue passions outdoors, even if those passions aren't shared. Ultimately, these kids will become business men and women, possible consumers of hunting and fishing related products, and voters who will hopefully remember these lessons learned and keep our heritage intact for generations to come.
This year we are hosting our 2nd consecutive boater safety class, which is mandatory for everyone in TN born after 1/1/1989. The TN Wildlife Federation, The Forestry Service (along with Smokey the Bear) and the scholastic shooting team will all be on hand with educational opportunities for the kids. The shooting team will have a simulator there and we have our own BB gun range courtesy of Daisy to train kids in gun safety and marksmanship fundamentals. We have 3 small casting decks where kids are coached while trying their hand at winning fishing poles (CROWD FAVORITE). Coaching them are a couple of local competitive fishermen and some of our high school fishing team members. These little ones want to be just like the teens wearing the fishing jerseys. I love that!!! That's a positive role model desperately needed in today's world. Our good friends from C&O Marine will help sponsor this, as well as setting up several boats at the event for display. We have other larger businesses like John Deere Tri Green Equipment and Steve Jones Chrysler also there with displays of Jeeps, trucks, tractors (we try and entertain the whole family). The state parks department also will be present with a birds of prey exhibit where kids can get up close and personal with raptors in an intimate setting and have their photos taken with the birds and have all their questions answered. There are many activities and things to experience at our event.
This year we are excited that Southern Woods and Waters has committed to streaming live from our event. I'm told they currently have over 10,000 followers. They are also shooting footage for their show’s 10 minute broadcast slot on News Channel 5. According to their representative, this show reaches approximately 1,000,000 people.
Every year we give the first 150 kids under 5 something nice when they come in the door. This way they aren't worried about winning something or how long they have been there or how long they have to stay for the drawing. They also get to play and learn all day while the older kids and their parents experience all there is to do. But, because we have given them something up front, if they need to leave, they can. Last year, we were fortunate enough to have Daisy as our 0-5 sponsor. We gave away 140 Red Ryder BB guns after parents signed a waiver and memo of understanding on safety, etc. The very next day pictures started appearing on Facebook and Instagram of dads and moms kneeling with their arms around these little ones helping them hold and sight these BB guns and begin their experience in the outdoors. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED – if I do say so myself – parents taking the time out of a hectic life to introduce their kids to the outdoors and kids enjoying their time with their parents without the interruption of Facebook or texting. We are a 501(c)3 and we are registered with the state of TN as a charitable organization. If you want to help us out, we would be forever grateful. This is a great event and we are passionate about sharing the outdoors with others, especially kids. Please click below if you would be interested in someone contacting you in regard to a donation.
Thanks in advance,
The Board of Ground Level Outdoors
I Want To Donate!
If you shop Amazon, please consider logging in through Amazon Smile. You can select Ground Level Outdoors as your charity and they will donate a % of the sale to our organization on qualifying purchases.
— Thank you for your support!